Raising Money for Asheville, NC

Posted by Rungood Shipping on

During our Saturday, October 5th stream we held a fundraiser to support Beloved Asheville, a non-profit organization currently focused on helping those affected by the tragic disaster and aftermath of Hurricane Helene.

We were able to raise $10,000 total via a Digital Dog Race Raffle where we sold 1,000 digital dogs at $10 each. The top 30 dogs in the race each received a spot into a group break with all product being comped by us. We also covered all fees both to host this event and to to send the donation to Beloved Asheville.

I fell in love with Asheville during my time there in 2016 and the amount of devastation seen throughout the are as well as other areas of North Carolina and Tennessee has been gut-wrenching to witness. We simply cannot fully grasp and understand what these folks are going through and the effort it will take to rebuild.

I would personally like to thank our amazing community for rallying and raising
way more money than I ever thought possible for a cause that is near and dear to my heart.

If you have the means, please consider donating to Beloved Asheville by clicking here

I fell in love with Asheville during my time there in 2016 and the amount of devastation seen throughout Asheville as well as other areas of North Carolina and Tennessee those areas has absolutely broken my heart. I would personally like to thank all 1,000 individuals listed below who helped this cause that is very near and dear to my heart.


Michael Col Donald Pip Peter C Nicholas Slo Heath Jor
Michael Col Donald Pip Sol C Nicholas Slo Heath Jor
Chris Ant Donald Pip Sol C Nicholas Slo Heath Jor
Chris Ant Kenneth Win Doug Web Nicholas Slo Heath Jor
Chris Ant Kenneth Win Doug Web Nicholas Slo Heath Jor
Chris Dix Gary And Doug Web Nicholas Slo Heath Jor
Ryan Fis Sean Kob Doug Web Nicholas Slo Heath Jor
Ryan Fis Sean Kob Doug Web Nicholas Slo Heath Jor
Ryan Fis Sean Kob Matt Sin Nicholas Slo Heath Jor
Tom How Sean Kob Charlie Pic Nicholas Slo David Ben
Brian Bak Sean Kob Nunzio Pie Nicholas Slo Samuel Yi
Brian Bak Sean Kob Nunzio Pie Nicholas Slo Stephen Spr
Christina Con Sean Kob Nunzio Pie Nicholas Slo Stephen Spr
Christina Con Sean Kob Nunzio Pie Nicholas Slo Stephen Spr
Christina Con Sean Kob Nunzio Pie Nicholas Slo Curibita Lon
Christina Con Sean Kob Sean Qui Nicholas Slo Curibita Lon
Jake Kir Sean Kob Sean Qui Nicholas Slo Matthew Gom
Robert Tur Sean Kob Cheryl Foo Nicholas Slo Chris Coo
Robert Tur Mike Sta Cheryl Foo Nicholas Slo Chris Coo
Robert Tur Mike Sta Cheryl Foo Michael Fol Tony Luu
Robert Tur Marty McC Cheryl Foo Paul Bon James Bui
Robert Tur Ryan Str Matthew Har Chris Bea James Bui
Eric Hug Ryan Str Matthew Har Chris Bea Justin Sid
Dan Mor Jaci Cot Coby Gra Chris Bea Justin Sid
Josh Mul Jaci Cot Coby Gra Chris Bea Justin Sid
Walter Bea Jaci Cot Kris Wil Chris Bea Arshad Sha
Walter Bea Jaci Cot Kris Wil Robert Gul Arshad Sha
Walter Bea Jaci Cot Marshall Dav Robert Gul Arshad Sha
Walter Bea Jaci Cot Marshall Dav Charlie Sin Arshad Sha
Walter Bea Jaci Cot Marshall Dav Charlie Sin Bryce Fow
Walter Bea Shelaney Lep Marshall Dav Charlie Sin Bryce Fow
Walter Bea Sam Pad Marshall Dav Charlie Sin Bryce Fow
Walter Bea Sam Pad Brandon Smi (TX) Charlie Sin David Han
Walter Bea Sam Pad Brandon Smi (TX) Charlie Sin Joshua Wil
Walter Bea Sam Pad Shane Bes Charlie Sin Joshua Wil
Glenn Lew Sam Pad Shane Bes Charlie Sin Joshua Wil
Glenn Lew Eric Coa Shane Bes Charlie Sin Janna Chan
Justin Gee Seth Hed Brandon Hal Charlie Sin Nikki War
Ryan Hal Seth Hed Brandon Hal Charlie Sin Nikki War
Ryan Hal Seth Hed John Fed Charlie Sin Nickolas Neu
Ryan Hal Seth Hed Daniel Agu Charlie Sin Nickolas Neu
Ryan Hal Maureen Bur Daniel Agu Charlie Sin Nickolas Neu
Dimitri Ros Will Stap Daniel Agu Charlie Sin David Lupo
Dimitri Ros Kyle Smi Daniel Agu MeowBear Jason Edw
Chad Sta Alexander Gli Tim Dix MeowBear Jason Edw
Chad Sta Alexander Gli Tim Dix Erich Gro Steve Rom
Chad Sta Michael Kim Tim Dix Erich Gro Charlie Sin
Chad Sta Anthony And Tim Dix Jun Abe Charlie Sin
Chad Sta Anthony And Tim Dix Richie Paw Charlie Sin
DCQ Anthony And Michael Dom Richie Paw Charlie Sin
DCQ Bryant Ris Michael Dom Daniel Fis Charlie Sin
DCQ Bryant Ris Anthony Tor Forest Kra Charlie Sin
DCQ Christopher Tho Anthony Tor Forest Kra Charlie Sin
DCQ Clinton Dav Anthony Tor Forest Kra Charlie Sin
DCQ Judy Ngh Anthony Tor Spencer Kin Charlie Sin
DCQ Nic Mil Anthony Tor Spencer Kin Charlie Sin
DCQ Nic Mil Anthony Tor 505 Mem Charlie Sin
DCQ Nic Mil Anthony Tor Joseph Vil Charlie Sin
DCQ Nic Mil Anthony Tor Joseph Vil Charlie Sin
Bryant Gri Nic Mil Anthony Tor Joseph Vil Charlie Sin
Bryant Gri Maxime Wel Anthony Tor Joseph Vil Charlie Sin
Bryant Gri Maxime Wel Nic Mil Jeffrey Phi Harold V-W
Bryant Gri Maxime Wel Nic Mil Clifford Tho Harold V-W
Bryant Gri Maxime Wel Nic Mil Zachary Piz Harold V-W
Brian Owe Maxime Wel Nic Mil Joseph Mer Stephen Wi
Brian Owe Maxime Wel Nic Mil Joseph Mer Chris Ant
Adam San Robert Kni Jeff For Joseph Mer Scott DeM
Adam San Robert Kni Jeff For Joseph Mer Scott DeM
Taylor Koss Robert Kni Gerald Ros Shawn Web Scott DeM
Taylor Koss Denver Fle Samuel Lee Shawn Web Scott DeM
Taylor Koss Stephen Les Samuel Lee Justin Lip Scott DeM
Local Josh Stephen Les Michael Nov Barney You Matthew Hart
Local Josh Stephen Les Michael Nov Barney You Matthew Hart
Local Josh Jeremy Tou Michael Nov Charles Sto Matthew Hart
Local Josh Mike Fitz John Soi Charles Sto Matthew Hart
Mark Chi Mike Fitz John Soi Charles Sto Matthew Hart
Wade Fle Jeremy Bru John Soi William O'Nei Jason Sib
James Kau Dennis Ols John Soi William O'Nei Jason Sib
James Kau Dennis Ols John Soi Nick Spi Annetta Sew
James Kau Dewayne Tac Clinton Wra Nick Spi Annetta Sew
James Kau Dewayne Tac Jeff DeG Artie Hal Ross Car
James Kau Dewayne Tac Jesse Tys Robert Bro Ross Car
Robert Kir Dewayne Tac Jesse Tys Robert Bro Ross Car
Robert Kir Dewayne Tac Jesse Tys Robert Bro Ross Car
Robert Kir David Lyo Jesse Tys Robert Bro Ross Car
Robert Kir David Lyo Jesse Tys Nicholas Slo Brooke Sch
Robert Kir David Lyo Harpreet Sin Nicholas Slo Brooke Sch
Robert Kir Michael Les Kenneth Win Nicholas Slo Sheey Wil
Robert Kir Michael Les Kenneth Win Nicholas Slo Walter Bea
Robert Kir Brian Kin Dave Fis Nicholas Slo Walter Bea
Robert Kir Brian Kin Ester Gat Nicholas Slo Walter Bea
Robert Kir Brian Kin Jason Zei Nicholas Slo Walter Bea
Brian Lav Brian Kin Jason Zei Nicholas Slo Sola Pal
Brian Lav Brian Kin Robert Kin Nicholas Slo Sola Pal
Brian Lav Michael Kim Robert Kin Nicholas Slo 1st,Shane F
Grace Con Raf Ole Robert Kin Nicholas Slo 2nd,Nick K
Grace Con Raf Ole Robert Kin Nicholas Slo
3rd,Josh Franklin
Grace Con Brian Book Robert Kin Nicholas Slo 4th,JP Federale
Grace Con Jonathan Wil Andy Erd Nicholas Slo 5th,JJ Sin
Grace Con Jonathan Wil Courtney Eag Nicholas Slo
6th,Alaskan Griz-JasonPal
James Con Jonathan Wil Courtney Eag Nicholas Slo
7th,Colby Sorenson
James Con Jonathan Wil Courtney Eag Nicholas Slo
8th,Jules Crespy
James Con Jonathan Wil Joshua Jab Nicholas Slo 9th,JonnyCards
James Con Jonathan Wil Joshua Jab Nicholas Slo 10th,Ian W
James Con Jonathan Wil Andy Cla Nicholas Slo 11th,Kyle R
Jovani Vas Jonathan Wil Andy Cla Sola Pal
12th,Clint Carpenter
Jovani Vas Jonathan Wil Andy Cla Sola Pal
13th,Chris Noessner
Jovani Vas Jonathan Wil James McD Sola Pal 14th,rais78
Jovani Vas JML Fam Gerad Ner Sola Pal
15th,Clay Latham
Jovani Vas JML Fam Gerad Ner Sola Pal 16th,TimMfillinIn
Jake Pet (HK) JML Fam Gerad Ner Jacob For 17th,Brittany G
Jake Pet (HK) JML Fam Shelly Zur Jacob For
18th,Jesse Hendricks
Jake Pet (HK) JML Fam Shelly Zur Jacob For
19th,Joshua Wylie
Jake Pet (HK) JML Fam Mike Kin Jacob For
20th,Yisroel Weiss
Rasheem Hen JML Fam Mike Kin Jacob For 21st,Dro
Rasheem Hen JML Fam Mike Kin Brooke Sch
22nd,Brian Booker
Rasheem Hen JML Fam Mike Kin Nicholas Mac 23rd,njh cards
Rasheem Hen JML Fam Randall Far Nicholas Mac
24th,Shibby Rob
GTI Comron Donald Pip Randall Far Salvador Lop
25th,cs_ collectibles_
Nic Mil Donald Pip Jason Hob Ryan Fow 26th,Bryandbl
Nic Mil Donald Pip Jason DeC Jacob Sot
27th,Chris Coyne (Soot)
Nic Mil Michael Col James Ark Jacob Sot
28th,james gaebel
Nic Mil Jon Bro James Ark Jacob Sot
Nic Mil Christian Cog James Ark Jacob Sot
Nic Mil Christian Cog James Ark Jacob Sot 31st,H Freeman
Nic Mil Justin Cro James Ark Jacob Sot
Nic Mil Jeff Bro James Ark Erik Lun
33rd,Walter Beard ##
Nic Mil Jeff Bro James Ark Sean Mor
34th,Sooner McGwire PC
Nic Mil Jeff Bro James Ark Justin Sid
35th,Carter Adams
Don Mau Jeff Bro James Ark Justin Sid
36th,Bryant Nam
Don Mau Jeff Bro James Ark Justin Sid 37th,Sonny T
Don Mau Eric Mow Mike Ras Jessica Lee 38th,steven esq
Josh Fra Ryan Row Mike Ras Vinnessa Lik 39th,DC_KC
Josh Fra Ryan Row Mike Ras Vinnessa Lik
40th,Den Don Dennis
Paul Fle Ryan Row Mike Ras Stephen Ken STRAY DOG
Paul Fle Ryan Row Palden Dra Stephen Ken 1st,Btray62
Michael Ber Ryan Row Curt Kni Kaide Rya
2nd,Clay Latham
Michael Ber Richard Scha Curt Kni Brian Yar 3rd,james arko
Jordan Mal Richard Scha Curt Kni Brian Yar 4th,Jun A
Jordan Mal Mark Ost Dave Fis Martha Lee
Jordan Mal Eric Oak Dave Fis Martha Lee
6th,Seth Siringer
Nick K Eric Oak Dave Fis Martha Lee 7th,Nick Spicer
Shaun Lit Joshua And Rasany Oun Martha Lee
8th,It’s for sure that guy
Heath Jor Joshua And Roy Jon Martha Lee
9th,Jeremy Graczyk
Heath Jor Jesse Hen Roy Jon Joeseph Vil 10th,Tj Moore
Heath Jor Reinhard Wer Dave Fis Joeseph Vil
11th,Zach Manzanares
Heath Jor Brian Kin Dave Fis Joeseph Vil
12th,Lamart Gryce
Heath Jor Brian Kin Dave Fis Joeseph Vil
13th,Jason Casterline
Heath Jor Brian Kin Mark Schw Joeseph Vil
14th,Paul Restelli
Heath Jor Brian Kin Mike Mer Joeseph Vil 15th,corbin Cole
Heath Jor Brian Kin Mike Mer Joeseph Vil 272nd,DC_KC
Heath Jor JTS Mike Mer Joeseph Vil 273rd,heyave
Heath Jor JTS Evan Smi Joeseph Vil 274th,Jcoolaid
David Cla JTS Evan Smi Joeseph Vil
275th,Berk Ertuğrul
Wes Reg JTS Evan Smi Joeseph Vil
Tyler Cha JTS Stephan Sou Joeseph Vil
277th,505 Memorabilia
Tyler Cha Dustin Ols Andrew Mit Joeseph Vil 278th,D Fish
Tyler Cha Dustin Ols Richard Rom Joeseph Vil
279th,Eric Mowry
Tyler Cha Andrew Ann Richard Rom Joeseph Vil 280th,Shawn
Tyler Cha Andrew Ann Sherry Wil Joeseph Vil 281st,JoshA
Tyler Cha Aaron Bar Collin Met Joeseph Vil
1st,LCRY - Brandon Bartling
Tyler Cha Aaron Bar Eric Str Joeseph Vil
1st,LCRY - Brandon Bartling
Tyler Cha Brett Amu Eric Str Joeseph Vil
1st,LCRY - Brandon Bartling
Tyler Cha Brett Amu Eric Str Joeseph Vil
1st,LCRY - Brandon Bartling
Tyler Cha Ross Car Eric Str Richard Cle
1st,LCRY - Brandon Bartling
Robert Kni Ross Car Eric Str Richard Cle
1st,LCRY - Brandon Bartling
Robert Kni Ross Car James Tar Nickolas Neu
2nd,Brandon Hall
Robert Kni Ross Car Tony Pha Nickolas Neu 3rd,Kyle Stuefer
Michael Buc Ross Car Michael Seq Nickolas Neu
4th,Stephen Portera
Michael Buc Caleb Cri Brian Wen Nickolas Neu
5th,Hobby Enthusiast
Michael Buc Evan Gar Brian Wen Nickolas Neu 6th,Nick Spicer
Brandon Alb Landon Fry Brian Wen Nickolas Neu
Brandon Alb Ross Car Brian Wen Nickolas Neu
8th,James Cooley
Steven Bar Ross Car Brian Wen Floyd San 9th,Tj Moore
Steven Bar Ross Car Brian Wen Torin Hir
10th,Bryan Fritsch
Steve Viv Ross Car Brian Wen Torin Hir 11th,Dan Fisher
Steve Viv Ross Car Brian Wen Torin Hir 12th,Travis b
Jeffery Ell Nic Mil Brian Wen Torin Hir 13th,Craig Mac
Marc Kee Nic Mil Brian Wen Torin Hir
14th,Dan Mortellaro
Marc Kee Nic Mil Brian New DCQ
Marc Kee Nic Mil Brian New DCQ
1st,Ground Fighter
Marc Kee Nic Mil Ryan Wat DCQ 2nd,mattytrails
Marc Kee Nic Mil Ryan Wat DCQ 3rd,Tollie Jones
Marc Kee Nic Mil Ryan Wat DCQ 4th,Tommy
Marc Kee Nic Mil Ryan Wat DCQ
5th,Mark De Lara
Marc Kee Nic Mil Aaron Wom DCQ
1st,Ground Fighter
Marc Kee Nic Mil Andrew Man DCQ 2nd,mattytrails
Marc Kee Maxime Wel Terence Len DCQ 3rd,Tollie Jones
Seth Sir Maxime Wel Terence Len DCQ 4th,Tommy
Parker Pev Maxime Wel Terence Len DCQ
5th,Mark De Lara
Arnest Wu Maxime Wel Terence Len DCQ
1st,Ground Fighter
Arnest Wu Peter C Terence Len DCQ 2nd,mattytrails
Arnest Wu Peter C Christy Sil DCQ 3rd,Tollie Jones
Arnest Wu Peter C Christy Sil DCQ 4th,Tommy
Arnest Wu Peter C Christy Sil DCQ
5th,Mark De Lara
Nick Zom Peter C Nathan Ake DCQ
1st,Ground Fighter
Nick Zom Peter C Nathan Ake DCQ 2nd,mattytrails
Nick Zom Peter C Nathan Ake DCQ 3rd,Tollie Jones
Donald Pip Peter C Tracy Bre DCQ 4th,Tommy
Donald Pip Peter C Nicholas Slo Heath Jor
5th,Mark De Lara

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